
  • KEKS – normalising the purpose of youth work

    Lately Jenny Haglund spoke to us about KEKS which is a network of organisations engaged in the provision of youth work, based in Sweden. Jenny is the Secretary General of the KEKS network and has been working with the organisation for 15 years. read more
  • New research and materials on the “Futures of Youth Work”

    The SNAC "European Academy on Youth Work" published the research report “Futures of Youth Work”. Additionally, practical tools such as a game and a toolbox are available to support you in bringing future fitness and innovation to your youth work practice.  This is our reading tip for the turn of the year! read more
  • Driving Change in Youth Work: Diverse Approaches in Poland, Austria and Europe

    The “Exchange Forum on the European Youth Work Agenda” in Leuven was all about exchanging on the different national situations of youth work development. It was also a topic of discussion between participants in breaks. One of these conversations explored and compared the diverse national situations of youth work and the different approaches and dynamics from an Austrian, Polish and European perspective. read more
  • Youth Work Talks Kick-off Webinar gathered more than 60 people online!

    On 26 November 2024, we held the kick-off webinar of our “Youth Work Talks”, an event series aimed at establishing a space for professional debate and reflection on pressing issues in youth work development. How was the kick-off webinar? What were the key insights? And how did the Community of Practice react? Continue reading to find out more! read more
  • The Holistic Trainer! An Erasmus+ project on empowering trainers in the youth field

    The Holistic Trainer project is a strategic partnership in the field of youth work to empower trainers to thrive in their roles, increase their well-being, motivation and job satisfaction. The project is entering its final stages; however, its outcomes, products and results will continue to have an impact for the foreseeable future. read more
  • Support for youth work development from the European level: Insights into the second day of the Exchange Forum on the EYWA

    The second day of the Exchange Forum on the European Youth Work Agenda explored how the European level supports youth work development. This article provides an overview of the engagement of the European Commission, the EU-Council of Europe Youth Partnership, the Maltese host of the 4th European Youth Work Convention and the network of National Agencies of the EU youth programmes. read more
  • Exchange Forum boosts national youth work development across Europe

    Leuven, Belgium, recently hosted the “Exchange Forum on the European Youth Work Agenda. Boosting national processes for youth work development” from November 11 to 14, 2024. The annual event brought together 60 key stakeholders from across Europe, offering a dynamic platform to advance youth work development at the national level. read more
  • From national processes to European level: Mutual support and cooperations

    How is the experience at the Exchange Forum in Leuven, Belgium? What are participants' perspectives on the whole event? What have they gained, and what are their key takeaways? We’ve launched a short blog from the Exchange Forum, giving voice to various participants to share their insights and reflections. Curious to learn more? Read our blog for highlights from the third day of the Exchange Forum! read more
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