Dive into the world of youth work recognition with five pocket books

The conference “Value and Recognition of Youth Work” took place from 4 to 7 December 2023, in Zagreb, Croatia. The aim was to engage stakeholders from the community of practice in a professional debate on recognition. As a direct result of the conference, five pocket books were created, each diving deeper into a specific aspect of recognition, making these pocket books essential reading for anyone interested in the recognition of youth work!

The first pocket book provides an overview of recognition. The other four pocket books deal with a specific dimension of youth work recognition, addressing specific issues for each dimension and the role and influence of the community of practice in these processes. The pocket books conclude with recommendations on how to engage with each specific dimension of recognition.

Five pocket books as a guide to youth work recognition 

Recognising Recognition

The first pocket book, “Recognising Recognition,” emphasises the importance of understanding the value and impact of youth work in various contexts. It provides an overview of different dimensions of recognition and serves as a starting point to understand them better.

Within each dimension of recognition (self-recognition, social recognition, political recognition, and formal recognition), you can find what is already happening and what more can be done. It serves as a practical guide for future actions and advocacy efforts in the field of recognition, including recommendations on how to achieve greater recognition.


The second pocket book, “Self-Recognition,” follows the concept reinforced at the conference that recognition “starts with us!” This booklet addresses the importance of self-awareness, self-belief, and the continuous development of personal competencies.

It discusses self-recognition issues and the role and influence of different actors in the community of practice towards recognition. It emphasises the need to value ourselves, connect with each other, and participate in important processes for the community, such as the Bonn Process.

Social recognition

In the next pocket book, the focus is on Social recognition” - when others understand, when the society around us acknowledges and appreciates what we do. It explores strategies for increasing visibility, building positive public attitudes, and engaging with various social players.

This booklet is full of ideas and tools to help achieve social recognition. One key idea from the conference directly linked to social recognition is the development and implementation of large European campaigns to make the value of youth work visible to the broader public, and highlights the importance of a cross-sectoral approach.

Political Recognition

For many politicians, youth work is equated with social work or education. The fourth pocket book, “Political Recognition,” highlights the critical aspect of integrating youth work into political agendas and policies. It pushes the importance of advocacy, lobbying, and creating legal frameworks that support youth work at local, national, and international levels.

Formal Recognition

The final pocket book, “Formal Recognition,” focuses on the formal validation and certification of youth work and its practitioners. It covers the processes of accrediting non-formal education, licensing youth workers, and establishing professional standards.

Inside, you will also find initiatives that everyone can engage with, including the European Training Strategy, the Visible Value initiative from EU-Council of Europe Youth Partnership, the Strategic NA cooperation project on the education and training of youth workers (EaT SNAC) and a Study on recognition of youth workers. 

What to do with the pocket books?

As shown, the pocket books provide comprehensive insights and practical advice tailored to the different dimensions of recognition in youth work. We invite you to use them!

They are full of practical resources and ideas that can be applied in your everyday work related to recognition. These books can serve as valuable resources for your advocacy efforts on national and European levels. They can also be used in various youth work training settings when discussing recognition. Read them, reflect on them, and incorporate them into your everyday practice!

If you are interested in reading the full report from the conference “Value and Recognition of Youth Work,” you can access it (along with all the pocket books) at this link: https://www.bonn-process.net/resources/publications/.  

More information about the conference „Value and Recognition of Youth Work“ can be found in this article and on our Facebook page and Instagram page.

Happy reading!

(Written by Domagoj Moric on behalf of JUGEND für Europa)