Funding for youth work development

There are good news for everybody in the youth work field, who has great ideas, but lacks funding: The EU youth programmes Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps are key instruments at European level to support the European Youth Work Agenda (EYWA) and its implementation process called “Bonn Process”. Now, a new Practical Guide was developed by the cooperation project “SNAC Growing Youth Work” to support beneficiaries in linking their projects with the EYWA.

All over Europe there are ideas to develop youth work further in a specific work context, advance an existing practice or overcome a certain challenge. The EU youth programmes can be used as instruments to turn these ideas into reality by providing funding and support.

Practical Guide out now

How this works can be explored in the new ‘Practical Guide for Beneficiaries’. It aims to inform about the European Youth Work Agenda (EYWA) and the Bonn Process and how they can benefit youth work practice and concrete projects. It contains practical tips how to establish links between a project (idea) and the Bonn Process.

The material is considered relevant and interesting for all beneficiaries and applicants active in Erasmus+ Youth as well as for youth work organisations and actors active in the European Solidarity Corps.

The guide was developed by the cooperation project “SNAC Growing Youth Work”, which consists of 16 National Agencies and SALTO Youth Ressource Centres. In addition to consulting the guide, it is recommended reach out to the respective National Agency in the own country.