Invitation: Youth Work Talks second webinar

We invite you to the 2nd Webinar of the Youth Work Talks “Xcelerating the recognition of youth work”. The webinar will take place on 8 April 2025 from 10.00 to 12.00 CET and offer a sneak peek into the 4th European Youth Work Convention (EYWC).

Join our second Youth Work Talks! The Youth Work Talks series is an activity of the "Growing Youth Work" partnership, a Strategic Cooperation project of 16 National Agencies for the EU youth programmes and SALTO Resource Centres.

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Aim and objectives of the second Youth Work Talk

The second webinar aims to provide those who are interested in the 4th European Youth Work Convention, but not able to attend it, to:

  • gain insight into the context and the core themes of the Convention,
  • reflect on the links between the 3 core themes of the Convention and the recognition of youth work (which is the current focus of the Youth Work Talks series)
  • provide their input into the discussions that will take place during the Convention in Malta,
  • contribute to shaping the final outcomes of the Convention.

Target group

Are you:

  • curious to contribute to the 4th EYWC (but not able to attend)?
  • engaging in youth work development in your town, country, or Europe?
  • wondering how youth work can be seen, heard, and recognised better?
  • excited to share your own ideas with others?
  • looking for inspiration and exchange?
  • ready to network with like-minded people?

Then the Youth Work Talks are for you!

How to register:

Please register if you are:

  • a youth worker, trainer, youth work manager, researcher, youth policymaker, youth representative, young person or active in youth work in any other role
  • Interested in the topic of recognition of youth work
  • Not attending the 4th European Youth Work Convention

Please register by 2 April 2025 via this link.


The Youth Work Talks series is an activity of the "Growing Youth Work" partnership, a Strategic Cooperation project of 16 National Agencies for the EU youth programmes and SALTO Resource Centres (SNAC). This exciting initiative aims to create a space for professional debate and reflection on the pressing issues surrounding the development of youth work, starting by focusing on the recognition of youth work.

Through a series of discussions, the Youth Work Talks aim to bring focus to the European professional debate on enhancing and strengthening youth work. Each Youth Work Talk centres around a key thematic issue, aligned with the European Youth Work Agenda and its eight priority areas.

In addition, to fulfil its aims, the Youth Work Talks partner up with other initiatives, events and institutions (such as the 4th EYWC), to stimulate discussions around the most relevant and impactful themes for enhancing and strengthening youth work.

Event Formats: 

The Youth Work Talks will be offered in various formats:

  • Biennial residential European conferences started in 2023,  
  • Webinars that delve into core topics of the European Youth Work Agenda, and 
  • Talk sessions integrated into existing events (if you want to host a session at your event, please contact us).


The government of Malta - Aġenzija Żgħażagħ (Malta's national youth agency) and the European Union Program Agency (EUPA) for Malta together with the EU-Council of Europe Youth Partnership, will host the 4th European Youth Work Convention in Valletta, Malta, from 27 to 30 May 2025, under the Maltese Chairpersonship of the Council of Europe. 

Under the theme ‘Youth Work Xcelerate,’ this edition will highlight youth work as a powerful tool for empowering young people, fostering inclusion, and encouraging active participation. It will also establish a European Roadmap to enhance the effectiveness of youth work and ensure its sustainability through national and European policies.

The European Youth Work Conventions, held every five years since 2010, are a driving force for innovation, collaboration, and policy development in youth work. Bringing together practitioners, policymakers, researchers, and youth organizations, they shape the future of the field by strengthening its foundations and setting new directions for growth and impact.

More information on the 4th EYWC is available here.


In case of questions, please contact Elke Führer, project coordinator of Growing Youth Work at JUGEND für Europa (National Agency Erasmus+ Youth, European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus+ Sport) via or; +49 228-9506289.

Let’s discuss how we can make a difference in youth work development!

We look forward to seeing you online!