
  • Exchange Forum: a place to reflect, share, and get inspired together

    How is the experience at the Exchange Forum in Leuven, Belgium? What are participants' perspectives on the whole event? What have they gained, and what are their key takeaways? We’ve launched a short blog from the Exchange Forum, giving voice to various participants to share their insights and reflections. Curious to learn more? Read our blog for highlights from the second day of the Exchange Forum! read more
  • Implementing the European Youth Work Agenda in Croatia

    Kristijan Orešković is working for the Croatian Youth Network and is a key player in the national process of the implementation of the European Youth Work Agenda in Croatia. He shares his view about the approach being taken in Croatia in making the good achievements visible. These include a mapping and analysis of Croatian activities within the Bonn Process resulting in a publication as well as an action plan. read more
  • Navigating the Universe of the European Youth Work Agenda

    How is the experience at the Exchange Forum in Leuven, Belgium? What are participants' perspectives on the whole event? What have they gained, and what are their key takeaways? We’ve launched a short blog from the Exchange Forum, giving voice to various participants to share their insights and reflections. Curious to learn more? Read our blog for highlights from the first day of the Exchange Forum! read more
  • What’s happening in the European countries about youth work development?

    The report “The State of Play of National Processes Within the European Youth Work Agenda Implementation” was published recently by JUGEND für Europa, the German National Agency for Erasmus+ Youth, Erasmus+ Sport and the European Solidarity Corps on behalf of the cooperation project “Growing Youth Work”. read more
  • Cities of Learning

    For this interview we talked to Nerijus Kriauciunas from Lithuania who is part of an exciting initiative called ‘Cities of Learning’. This is an international network with partners from across the world. We asked Nerijus about the initiative and some of the activities that are taking place within it. Nerijus also shared some thoughts about the future of youth work that he and the initiative are contributing to. read more
  • Invitation: Youth Work Talks

    The SNAC Growing Youth Work invites you to the Kick-off Webinar of the Youth Work Talks on 26 November 2024 from 10.00 to 12.30 CET. read more
  • Funding for youth work development

    There are good news for everybody in the youth work field, who has great ideas, but lacks funding: A practical Guide for Beneficiaries inspires to link Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps projects with the European Youth Work Agenda. read more
  • Towards the 4th European Youth Work Convention

    2025 will see the 4th European Youth Work Convention take place. The Conventions are probably the single most important event series in the youth work calendar. To learn about the developments of this important event, we interviewed Marvic Debono, head of the youth sector with the National Agency in Malta responsible for Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps. read more
  • Implementing the European Youth Work Agenda in Ireland

    We met up with Jean-Marie Cullen and Janice McGarry to discover what is happening in youth work in Ireland and what the implementation of the European Youth Work Agenda looks like. Jean-Marie is the International Affairs Manager for the National Youth Council of Ireland and Janice is the National Coordinator for the Bonn Process in Ireland. read more
  • The European Conference on Local Youth Work and Democracy

    Judit Balogh has been involved in the youth sector since 2002. She is now employed by JINT, the Belgian/Flemish National Agency (NA) for Erasmus+ Youth and the European Solidarity Corps. In this interview, she tells us more about the results of the Belgian EU Presidency for the youth sector. read more
  • European Academy on Youth Work: Future developments and their impact on youth work

    From the 14th to 17th May 2024, the European Academy on Youth Work, third edition, took place in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia. The theme was ‘Future developments and their impact on youth work’. There were 200 participants representing a broad spectrum of the youth work community of practice, coming from a large portion of Europe and several neighbouring countries. read more
  • Dive into the world of youth work recognition with five pocket books

    The conference “Value and Recognition of Youth Work” took place from 4 to 7 December 2023, in Zagreb, Croatia. As a direct result of the conference, five pocket books were created, each diving deeper into a specific aspect of recognition, making these pocket books essential reading for anyone interested in the recognition of youth work! read more
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